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3 Ways To Improve Your Home's Energy Efficiency


Thinking of your home’s energy consumption is a smart move. Being smart with your energy use can lower energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint. Being energy efficient can begin with simple steps. Turn off lights and electronics when not needed. You can also install a smart thermostat for more efficient controls.  

Ardmore Fresh Air can help you be more energy efficient with heating and cooling. If you want to make a difference in your home, here are three things you can do today. You do not need to make a huge effort. Even simple changes can lead to better results over time.

Turn Off Unused Energy Drainers

Turning off a light or tv when you are leaving the room and no longer using them should be common sense to most people. You know that leaving a light, fan, or electronic device on means that it will still use energy even if it is not in use. You can use this information when considering the energy use around your home. Something that has increased in the last couple of decades is the drain of phantom energy.

Phantom energy refers to energy used when electronic devices may be off but are still plugged in. Computers, newer TVs, gaming devices, and household appliances now offer “sleep” modes. They may turn off in some fashion but also remain powered to return to full usage when you are ready.

While convenient at times, this can lead to you using more energy. Instead, try turning off or unplugging these devices. If you know that you will not use these devices again, power them down when you can.

Another energy drainer besides high-powered devices will be your light bulbs. Switching to new energy efficient bulbs may cost a few more dollars when you buy them. But, over the life of the bulb, they will use far less energy than traditional standard bulbs.

Seal Unused Rooms and Fix Leaks

It's also a great idea to seal off rooms that may go through extended periods when they are not used at all. You might have guest rooms, craft rooms, or other unused rooms that you use for storage. But without considering it, you may be cooling and heating them without thinking about it.

Try closing the vents in such rooms and leaving the doors to them shut. This helps to avoid wasting money regulating rooms that do not need it. This easy fix can lead to drastic changes on your summer energy bills.

Air that is leaking through doors and windows is a common issue in older homes and buildings. Every building will loss some air from tiny gaps or cracks along the doors and windows. Using caulking every new season can limit this. The best solution is to replace them with new energy efficient products.

Have Your Cooling System Checked Often

The best way to maintain your system's energy efficiency is to have regular servicing. Your home’s heating and cooling systems are able to work even when not running at peak efficiency. This means that your systems will not shut down as often as some other machines.

Continued use for long periods of time will lead to debris buildups and less efficiency. This will cause your systems to work harder to maintain your desired temperatures. This can lead to higher energy bills. It will lead to serious issues or malfunctions that might result in extra costs. Regular servicing should keep systems running for years.

If you want to improve your home’s energy efficiency, contact Ardmore Fresh Air today at (847) 792-1019! We are ready to tell you all about what the latest energy efficient units can provide.