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Do I Really Need An Air Purifier In My Home?

Do I Really Need An Air Purifier In My Home?

You can install air purifiers in your ducts to help trap indoor air pollutants. These devices use UV light, electrostatic force, and high-efficiency mechanical filters. These help get rid of microscopic allergens, particles, and pollutants in the air in your home.

Who Benefits From These Devices?

There's no denying that air pollutants can cause some health issues. In fact, indoor air pollution is one of the top-five health risks. If you have asthma and allergies, you can feel more relief with these devices. Seniors and children are at high risk of respiratory issues due to indoor air pollutants. So, they can use these devices to help improve indoor air quality.

Types of Air Purifiers and Air Cleaners You Can Buy

There are two main categories of air purifiers and air cleaners. These include filtration-based systems and other systems. Filtration systems use materials to remove unwanted particulate matter from the air. These filters include fiberglass, pleated, high efficiency, and HEPA. Each one has a MERV rating, with the highest rating being able to filter out the smallest particles.

  • Fiberglass - 1 to 2 MERV
  • Pleated - 10 to 13 MERV
  • High Efficiency - 14 to 16 MERV
  • HEPA - 17 to 20 MERV

While HEPA air filters do cost more than others, they filter out the most particles. Other systems include UV light and enhanced systems. These systems use ozone generators.

Are Air Purifiers and Air Cleaners Worth the Investment?

Finding the source of these pollutants in your indoor air should be your top priority. Removing the source, when possible, is more effective than using air purifiers. When you can't remove the source of pollutants, a home air purifier can keep your family healthy.

Contact Our HVAC Professionals Today

If you want to invest in a whole-home air purification system, contact us today. Our HVAC professionals can assist you in choosing the right system to meet your needs and budget.