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How Can I Improve The Air Quality In My Office?

How Can I Improve The Air Quality In My Office?

You've heard the term good indoor air quality. But, do you know what that means? Good indoor air quality means that you're able to control the contaminants in your air. You have a comfortable temperature and humidity level as well. You also will have enough functional ventilation in a specified indoor area.

The Importance of Good Air Quality in the Workplace

When it comes to your office, good indoor air quality is vital. It can ensure your employees stay healthy and breathe easier. Poor air quality leads to reduced productivity and more sick days according to a study by the EPA. Over time, this can lead to costly medical expenses and unhappy employees. Caring about the air quality level in your office is a necessity. This helps to make sure your business is productive and your employees are happy.

What Affects Indoor Air Quality?

Both interior and exterior pollution affects the air quality level in your office. Some other key factors include moisture and humidity. The building design, HVAC system, and HVAC maintenance performed are also key factors. There are so many factors that can influence the quality of the air inside of your office. For that reason, it's necessary to watch and test it to maintain a healthy level.

How to Test Your Indoor Air Quality in Your Office?

You can test the air quality inside of your workplace with sensors and testing kits. Sensors detect foreign matter that is present in the air and alert you of them. The EPA recommends installing a sensor every 10,000 feet. These sensors measure particulate matter, radon, humidity, aerosols, methane, carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde. Sensors can allow you to track the quality of the air inside of your workplace on a regular basis.

Tips For Improving Indoor Air Quality

There are many strategies you can use to improve the air quality inside of your workplace. If you've installed sensors, you can get a good idea of what areas of your workplace need the most work. This way, you can start there to enhance the air for your employees.

A great way to improve air quality is to open up windows and doors. Fresh air and sunlight help to improve air quality. It does this by reducing the number of pollutants in the air. Be mindful of when you open your doors and windows. On humid days, you'll want to keep them closed. They can create an uncomfortable and warm working environment for your employees.

Air purifiers are another solution. They work to remove contaminants that are present in your indoor air. Not all air purifiers can remove all types of particles. Buy an air purifier to remove the type of contaminants that your sensors are showing in the air.

Contact Our HVAC Professionals Today

Would you like to have your indoor air quality tested? Do you need help improving your air quality? Be sure to contact our HVAC professionals at Ardmore Fresh Air today. We want to keep you and your employees safe and comfortable this year.