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How Do I Know if I Have Indoor Quality Issues?

How Do I Know if I Have Indoor Quality Issues?

Respiratory symptoms in the form of coughing, wheezing or sniffing are the first signs that your home has poor indoor air quality. The common health problems that result are fatigue, headaches, congested sinuses and shortness of breath. Fortunately, installing the right HVAC system or air filter from Ardmore Fresh Air protects you from the health dangers.

Ventilator: Respiratory Problems

You'll notice that your home's indoor air quality is less than ideal when you develop respiratory problems. These problems are minor at first but may increase in severity over time. The types of symptoms vary among different individuals. Some people start wheezing and have difficulty breathing, while others have congested noses that cause constant sniffing and sneezing. People with allergies have severe respiratory problems that flare up and worsen quickly upon contact with common allergens.

Dehumidifier: Heat and Humidity

Excessive levels of heat and humidity decrease the quality of air in the home. When it's too humid, there is too much water vapor that makes the air feel heavily saturated. The room feels much hotter than it is. Humidity that is too high may be caused by several internal problems like overused heaters or lack of proper ventilation.

Air Purifier or Cleaner: Mold and Mildew Growth

The presence of mold or mildew indicates that there's too much moisture. This problem occurs often in flooded homes that are not dried off properly. Visitors to your home suffer when mold spores circulate throughout the air, become inhaled and cause respiratory problems to develop.

Indoor Air Quality Testing

Testing is the way to know for sure that your home has poor indoor air quality. There are a variety of tests that you can undertake, such as air samplings, mold inspections, moisture readings, etc. A representative from an air quality testing company will help you to choose the right service.

Whichever service you choose, have an inspector arrive at your home to make a visual inspection and evaluation of your problem. Hiring an HVAC professional is a more effective choice if you're serious about resolving your indoor air quality issues.

Air pollution is not just a problem that creates smog in the city. You may find more pollution in your own house or apartment. Your indoor air quality is affected by many different factors with many of them being preventable. Contact an HVAC professional from Ardmore Fresh Air to recommend the best solutions. We sell HVAC appliances that improve the air quality and ventilation in every room in your home.