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Why Is There Condensation In My AC System?

Your home’s air conditioning system may show some startling signs at times. For instance, it can leak water. You may think that a part inside your air conditioner has broken or malfunctioned. You may not have to dial a repairman right away as long as you are able to detect what is happening and fix it.


When your air conditioner’s evaporator coils meet warm air, it will gather moisture. It will then send it to the condensate pan for drainage. This is a normal process and it should not worry you. If there is too much condensation, leaks too much, and fosters mold and mildew, there may be a bigger issue.


Leaking On Hot Days


On the hot days of summer, your air conditioning will run at all times to keep the temperature cool. It will dehumidify the place by gathering the warm, humid air and swapping it for cooler air.


There is more humidity taken in during times of warmer temperature. Because of this, your air conditioner will produce more condensation than usual. That may cause your condensate pan to overflow. If this occurs often, contact an HVAC professional. You can discuss better ways for your air conditioner to cool your home.


A Restricted Airflow Will Freeze Condensation


An air conditioner’s filters work to keep the airflow clean by catching dirt and debris. After some time, it will become too dirty and filled with particles that it will affect the airflow. Once this happens, your AC’s evaporator coils will form ice inside and will lead to copious leaking.


To avoid this, always remember to change your air conditioner’s filter often. You should replace your filters once or twice a month.


Drain Line Becomes Disconnected


If your air conditioner is not installed right, its drain pipe fittings may not be in in the right place. In time, it will loosen up and detachment occurs, sending condensation to the ceiling or down to the floor.


Rotten Insulation Will Also Lead To Leaking


If your air conditioner’s insulation is too worn out, it may also result to leaking. This is more common in older homes. Condensation should flow into the evaporator coil or the condensate pan. In this case, it will flow through the holes or tears of the insulation. If you live in an old house or you notice water leaking from the insulation, tape it up or replace it if it is too corroded.



You don't need an HVAC professional if you know the causes of your air conditioner’s leakage. But, you may want to bring in a licensed specialist so that you would not have to risk damaging your HVAC system more. Call Ardmore Fresh Air at (847) 792-1019 for help. We are here to help with air conditioner problems such as leakages.