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What Are the Differences Between MERV Ratings?
Any HVAC unit requires a filter to keep it safe from damaging particulates and keep it in order. The better the filter, the better air quality you will have, as well as a safer unit. The quality of an HVAC filter is determined by a MERV rating.
Why Too Much or Too Little Humidity is Bad for Your Home
Dealing with humidity is a common summertime problem. Buying a humidifier is one solution to remove the high levels of water vapor in the air. If that's not an option, it's good to buy an air conditioner. In either case, Ardmore Fresh Air is the right HVAC company for taking care of humidity problems.
Should You Cover Your HVAC Unit During Winter?
An HVAC professional from Ardmore Fresh Air will tell you that covering an outdoor unit isn't absolutely necessary. However, it's something that can be done if you prefer to make this part of your seasonal routine.
When Should I Replace My Furnace?
Homeowners should expect to replace their furnace every 18 to 20 years. This is considered the average lifetime of most furnaces; although, maintenance may extend the life of some furnaces, and others may not last quite as long.
Boiler vs. Furnace vs. Heat Pump: What's the Difference?
According to the US Department of Energy, 42% of your energy use each year is for heating your home. A key factor in how much energy you use is what type of heating system you have.
Why is My Heater Blowing Cold Air?
Just when you thought it was going to stay mild, the temperature has dipped and now it’s below zero. You flip the switch for the furnace only to find that it’s blowing cold air. Now, it feels colder inside than it does outside.