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Why You Should Consider A Wi-Fi Thermostat
Since the beginning, the internet has become essential in our world. Generations ago, most people had no idea what this was, and lived without it. Today, we can’t imagine going without it. It serves as a network and links everyone from every place on earth. People can express themselves, talk with one another, and exchange information. The reason for its success? We are able to use it for so many things. Now it has reached the HVAC world with Wi-Fi thermostats. What Are Wi-Fi Thermostats? Wi-Fi allows us to connect to the internet without the needing a physical wire. With this, Wi-Fi Thermostats can link to the web. It can do what your old traditional models did, but with more options. These modern models allows us to control it with our smartphones and tablets. This allows us to make changes, no matter the location as long as there is internet. Security measures, lighting, and other features of our house can change at a tap of our fingers. Real time information will also be on display on our application. You can check it out every now and then to make sure there's no issues.
How Regular HVAC Maintenance Can Help You Save Money
Technology provides for us humans the benefit of comfort, efficiency, and leisure. These advancements also provide benefits for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Paving the way for an automated and “smarter” way of supplying desired temperatures to a home. But as advanced as technology is, our HVAC systems still has its limits. This is why regular maintenance of them is a practice that every homeowner should do. Maintenance does not only keep our systems in good running condition but it is also to be money saving. Reduce Wear And Tear Every HVAC unit throughout their lifetime will always wear down over time. This leads to a progressive degradation as time passes by. This results to repairs in the future and having to replace them with new ones. Remember: repairs and replacements mean you have to spend a lot of money. Reducing wear and tear helps decrease the frequency of repairs and purchases.  When trying to preserve your HVAC system, replacing filters is vital and tends to get ignored. After a while, filters will have trapped as many particles as it can handle and will end up getting clogged. Clogged filters means your units will work harder and longer trying to get air to pass through.
Which Type Of Air Filter Is Right For My Home?
The air quality in a home is important for its inhabitants to continue to live a healthy life. Homeowners should strive for a cleaner and better atmosphere inside their residences. One step of doing this is securing the right air filters for you and your family. The appropriate choice would give provide air you could be confident to breathe in. Air filters vary in kind and in its effectivity. Given the number of options on the market, you should know the factors when choosing a filter. MERV Rating This is a classification system made by ASHRAE. The purpose of the MERV rating is to classify the different types of filters. It's rating depends on how effective it is in trapping different particles. These ratings range from 1 to 20, with 14 to 20 being in medical settings. Categories 1 to 4 are the most common, yet the most ineffective. MERV 8 to 13, are the best choices for homes. If you want a better home environment, you should refer to MERV Ratings when deciding what air filter to use. Each number implies the filters capability to strain out certain particles. Familiarize with each rating and their capabilities. For example, the presence of pets or animals would change the MERV rating you would need. You would have to go for air filters with a MERV rating of 5 or higher to keep out their dander.  
3 Ways To Prepare Your Air Conditioner For Spring
Your HVAC has been set to warm for months now. But the hotter seasons have come. You should now be wondering if your heating and cooling system is ready to handle the heat. Any responsible homeowner should be proactive and do the necessary tasks beforehand. This helps create a comfortable atmosphere no matter what the temperature is outside. The HVAC helps to reduce the uncomfortable external environment in your home. You need to keep it in good running condition and get it ready. Call Your Heating And Cooling Company For Maintenance Have your trusted technicians come over to examine your system. Have them see if it is still in good shape, most especially your air conditioner. Let them make the necessary maintenance work and allow them to make repairs if needed. It there are parts that need replacing, then get it done immediately. You might also want to consider upgrading your cooling unit with a newer model. This is best if your current one isn’t quite getting the job done or is now obsolete. Do this before it gets scorching hot. It is important that you work with a reputable HVAC company. Make sure these are well-experienced and come well-recommended by many. Otherwise, we recommend that you look for another company that is. It helps prevent unfortunate mishaps when working with inexperienced people. This could lead to more damage to your units and system and incorrect advice and diagnoses.
Why Duct Cleaning Is Necessary
Ducts are the passageways for air to enter into your home. As a responsible homeowner, we cannot ignore these air ducts. If we do, we ignore the presence of toxic particles in the air and allow them to circulate in our home. Safe and Healthy Environment Our loved ones expect to be safe inside the walls of our house, but dirty air ducts might do the exact opposite. Dirty vents might send harmful airborne contaminants inside. People who have asthma or respiratory illnesses will not fair so well. Toxins and particles trapped in the air vents and end up inside the home can cause them to become even more sick. Even if everyone in your family is healthy, poor air quality will worsen a person’s well-being. Longer Lasting Hardware The different parts of your heating and cooling system may not be living and breathing. That does not mean they don’t need a clean environment. Dust build-up on equipment can cause inefficiency, ineffectiveness, and damage. In every 10 system performance mishaps, dirt causes up to 9 of these. Particles on the surfaces of air ducts, somehow, do find their way to the equipment of your HVAC system.
4 Ways To Stay Warm This Valentine's Day
Valentine’s day, the day of hearts, is one of the sweetest day of the year. But however cozy your heart gets from all the heartwarming gestures of love your significant other may do for you, keeping yourself and your partner physically warm can’t be done with “I love you’s” and kisses. Make Adjustments To Your Home It doesn’t take a genius to know that the sun is a natural source of heat. When the sun is up take advantage of it. Open up your curtains or blinds and let it in. If you have a ceiling fan, invert its direction by reversing its motor. Having your fan go the other way pushes warm air down. Use tinfoil to reflect heat from your radiator or furnace. Seal even the tiniest of cracks in your window frames and under your doors. If your floors are made of wooden boards, place rugs or carpets on them to prevent heat from escaping through the small spaces between them. Preferably, these rugs or carpets should be made of wool or other materials of the same nature.