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Attic Ventilation in the Winter
Proper ventilation in your attic is important to protect you and your home in the winter months. Ventilation in your attic protects the structure of your roof from moisture damage. Improving your attic air flow will keep your home in a good condition. It will also maintain good indoor quality of air for the winter. The Importance of Ventilation Having the correct HVAC system protects against many home problems. This makes sure that your home is comfortable indoors. Also, protecting your roof from moisture damage, such as: Moisture that can warp the roof Growth of Mold Frost Rotting Wood Popped Shingles Dams of Ice Your Attic During Winter During the winter months, heat rises to the attic in your home and with heat comes moisture. When attics do not have proper ventilation, moisture will collect in that space of the home. Moisture will seep through the structure of the house. It can damage your roof along with the framing and things in your attic. Having the correct HVAC in your attic will allow cool, dry air from the outside to flow into the attic. It will also allow the warm, moist air in the attic to escape. Good ventilation keeps the temperature even. It even prevents hot or cold spots that cause dams of ice where water can freeze below the shingles of your home. Having the correct HVAC during the winter will keep mold and mildew from growing. This keeps your family safe from harmful bacteria and contaminants. Getting rid of moisture by ventilating your attic will improve indoor air quality. It will also prevent rodents and insects from staying in your attic.
5 Ways to Stay Warm in Chicago
Chicago weather can be tough to tolerate, and those who are dealing with cold Chicago winters need to know as many tips and tricks related to staying as warm as possible. There are ways for families to stay warm no matter how cold it is outside. 1. Wear Warm Clothing It is important that anyone looking to stay warm when the weather is cold chooses to dress in warm clothing. Style is not as important as warmth when Chicago weather is blustery and freezing. Dressing warm can help a person stay comfortable and safe no matter how low the temperature drops. 2. Warm up Your Feet The feet are just as important as the rest of the body when it comes to staying warm. It is important for those living in Chicago to invest in quality boots that will help their feet stay dry and warm. Some boots are lined with fur, and some boots will not let any water in them, no matter how much snow a person walks through. Quality warm boots are important when it comes to staying warm in Chicago. 3. Create an Emergency Kit for Vehicles There are times when a vehicle might become stuck in the snow or when a vehicle might quit during the winter months. For Chicago drivers, a winter emergency kit is worth the small investment. An emergency kit set up for your vehicle that includes items that will help you stay warm if they end up stranded somewhere. 4. Understand the Weather It is important for a person to know what kind of weather they are going to be dealing with before they head out of their home. Those who do not understand the different forecasts that might be made should take time to learn about different weather terms and to come to understand those forecasts.
Concerning HVAC Smells You Need To Know About
Your HVAC system is too complex for the average person to try and fix or perform check-ups on. That is, unless you have the needed training and education. But, there are simple things that normal homeowners can do for the benefit of your HVAC. You can be observant with irregularities that occur while your system is operating. The scents that your equipment produce could be a sign of what’s wrong. This could help your technicians better diagnose and solve the problem. Strong Urine Smell If you get a whiff of urine coming out of your HVAC, it is likely that rodents have taken up shelter. They do this a lot to attract mates. These smells contain a lot of information about a specific rat. When one of the opposite sex finds their scent to be what they’re looking for, then they reproduce. No matter the reason, you don't want mice or their droppings around the heating and cooling system. Getting rid of this infestation is tricky. You can't use poisons as they might die in places that are hard to reach. Plus, the smell could end up getting worse if you are unable to remove them all. The best way to handle this would be to have professional get rid of them. If you insist, you may do so yourself with the use of traps.
How Different Weather Affects Your HVAC System
The home's HVAC system helps to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home. But, the environment outside can affect your HVAC’s performance. How you react to it is vital. Extreme Heat And Cold We’ve all seen the news and as the years go by. We hear of record breaking hot summers or coldest winters in different parts of the world. It’s understandable that we seek comfort during these extreme situations. But, don’t crank up your thermostat yet. Setting your HVAC to the extremes of the temperature scale may not help. It may produce results the same if you had toned it down by a few degrees. Although you’re getting the same outcome, your system will consume a lot more power. Plus, it will cause its parts to break down faster. In short you’ll be wasting money for nothing but a false sense of ease. To better combat the most extreme weathers you should get creative. It isn’t hard. You only need to use your imagination. For days when it’s freezing, you should put on sweaters and pants to keep yourself warm. When it’s scorching sometimes a the help of fan might help your AC. Have it face you, but turn it off once your body feels it’s cool enough.
How To Ventilate A Garage During Summer
During days of extreme heat, the space within your garages could become hot. This is also one of the most overlooked parts of home ventilation. If you spend a lot of time inside it, you might want to make sure it will be cool enough for summer. Even if you don't spend a lot of time in your garage, you could still enjoy proper ventilation. This is particularly true if it connects to your home as its heat might find its way into your living spaces. Your Vehicles One of the main reasons for ventilation is to bring down high temperatures. Take note though that cars heat up when they’re used. Leaving a car on in the garage will contribute an amount of warmth. When driving home from work, your car will most likely have been in operation for a rather long time. It will still be hot minutes after turning it off. If possible, park your car in a shaded area if you’ve arrived at a scorching time of the day. Park it inside once the sun has set or when the environment is much cooler. Of course we don’t expect everyone to be able do this. Given your awareness, you should consider this when ventilating your garage. Your system will have to accommodate the added heat produced by your vehicle.
3 Easy Things To Check On Your HVAC System
Technicians can help you manage any HVAC concerns. But, it may take time for them to get to your home and do the job. At times it may be a simple task that you could have done in a matter of minutes. The residents of a house must be familiar of the simple things to check on their heating and cooling system. This helps them avoid having to wait for help and paying for a miniscule errand. This could also help when discussing problems with professionals. This helps toe professionals get a better gauge on the problem. Power Or Gas If your system refuses to operate, chances are it isn’t getting the power it needs. See to it that you have plugged in your units. Even if you remember doing so, it would be ideal that you still verify this. Sometimes a pet or by someone walking past the wires can dislodge it without realizing. Circuit breakers sometimes tend to shut down immediately as a safety measure. If you can’t see anything that could be an emergency you may try turning it on. If it stops working again then immediately call an electrician to look into this. Sometimes when people move from warmer places, they aren’t used to furnaces. Some don’t realize that they need to use a gas company for it to work. Unless your heater uses electricity then this should be something you should examine. Make sure your gas lines are in good condition and haven’t turned off.