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4 Ways To Prepare Your Home For The Chicago Winter


It is that time of the year again. Temperatures are dropping, the football season is almost over, and the joys of fall have begun to fade. Another Chicago winter has begun to announce its arrival. One of the greatest concerns for any home or business during the winter is how to keep your building warm.

Why are these important? Well during this time of the year most will spend more time inside. So of course we all would like to be comfortable but even more vital is our health. A good heating system in your home is more a necessity than a luxury. You can help your system before the season throws its toughest conditions at your home. 

You shouldn’t have to bundle up like you are climbing Everest when you are sitting in your living room.

Maintaining a heating system is key in your quality of life during these cold months. The heating system in your home or business is about to experience some strain this time of year. So it is worth it to spend a bit of time preparing and checking your home or business now.

Inspect your current heating system

Check to see if your current heating system is ready for another year. If it's time for a new heating system, we are ready to help you. Many of us ignore it and always expect our boiler or furnace to start right up and power through another year. Take a little time to check your business or home e as it currently is and remember how it performed this past year.

Test your heating system some and check the burners to make certain they work. Take the time to install storm windows if you own them. Check around your building's doors and windows for air leaks around the seals.

Schedule yearly service when it is time 

As Fall begins, we encourage customers have yearly service scheduled immediately. You should do service and maintenance checkups before you you have to rely on the ehat every day. Plus, it helps you learn about problems and potential repair needs early.

We are often told or asked to do things in a preventative manner...and we ignore them for a variety of reasons. Once the temperatures begin to drop, people find problems with their HVAC systems. During this time, HVAC companies can become swapped and some even raise their rates.

Being proactive can save you from a lot of headaches. But if you have not had your system serviced yet this year: DO IT NOW! Running your heating and cooling systems without checkups is a recipe for disaster.

Replace the air filters

If your heating system is ready to go, the third step is to check and replace the filter often. Any service call should include checking and changing the filters. you should change your air filter and furnace filter at least every 2-3 months. And you shouldn't only do this every time a season ends, but rather often throughout the year. 

Filters are prone to get very dirty very fast. A new filter can help improve performance and air quality. A warm home is great, but make sure you are not breathing in dirt and pollutants all winter long.

Check your home's thermostat

A nice final measure is to check if your thermostat is operating fine. Be sure to remember how it does in the winter. If it functions well then use the thermostat when it is possible. What do we mean by this? When your home is empty, you could relieve the heating system by turning down the temperature. This can improve the longevity and stress on your system, which will result in lower energy costs.

If your older thermostat is struggling, upgrade to an electronic programmable thermostat. Most electronic thermostats are now able to create cycles that allows you to save energy. You let the system know when it should work more and when it can lower the temperature to save energy.

Contact Ardmore Fresh Air

Ardmore Fresh Air always delivers quality work while focusing on customer satisfaction. If you get left in the cold this winter or need help with your heating system, contact us. Have your heating system serviced today before we get too far into the season!