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5 Signs It Is Time For A New Heating System


Another winter is beginning to bear down on Chicago and the rest of the Midwest. Most people know how to prepare for nights that make central heating needed! But along with your comfort, you should also be thinking about your health. As we all know, during the toughest months of the year, a heating system is a must in every home, office, and building.

Figuring out which heating system fits your needs best can be difficult. This is because the quality of the system matters. You may already have a functioning heating system. If so, it is important to maintain and repair your boiler or furnace often. This helps to ensure you are toasty and warm all winter.

But do you know when it is time to consider installing a newer heating system? Most would prefer to wait to make serious changes when they are necessary. But, you could be unaware that a very big problem is impending. Your heating system could leave you in the cold facing the need for a full overhaul. 

Here are five signs that your heating system might be due for new equipment this winter.

The Current System Is Older Than 15 Years:

Do you know how old your heating system is? When was the boiler or furnace you are relying on installed? Many older heating units can last roughly 16 to 20 years. Newer heating and air conditioning systems can last longer with proper maintenance.

If you are unsure about the age of your heating, have Ardmore Fresh Air help you find out. If it has been more than 15 years, it would be wise to start considering an upgrade.

The System Is Not Heating Rooms Up :

Has your spouse or family member complained that a room does not get warm anymore when you turn up the heat? If your heating system struggles to heat your home or business, then it is time to give Ardmore Fresh Air a call. Your system may only need a small repair. But continuing to use a system that has begun to lose efficiency is a slippery slope. It could even lead to larger problems.

Growing Heating Costs:

An energy bill that is a tad more than the month before might not be a serious thing to stress over. If this is happening month after month, then there is likely an issue. Climbing energy costs combined with any struggles means a serious problem. It could be time to replace your heating unit. An energy efficient system can make a world of difference. It can even save you hundreds on your bills in a year over an aging system. 

Continuous or Strange Noises:

Does your boiler or furnace have you convinced that you live in a haunted building? Loud, strange noises can often come from heating and air conditioning systems. The noises may be coming from a malfunctioning part, radiator, a fan, or broken pipe. Most of the time the end result is some repairs and we can have your heating system running again. But if something in your HVAC systems is trying to "speak" to you, ignoring it could lead to scarier problems.

High or Repeating Repair Costs:

One repair call a year is understandable if your system is starting to get up in age. But if you often deal with issues and broken parts, it is time to start considering a new heating system. Spending money on a new system may seem hard. But, a broken system that is no longer usable will continue to incur extra costs and put you at risk.

Based in the Chicagoland area, Ardmore Fresh Air is a family owned business. We have been delivering heating and cooling solutions for more than 40 years. Our friendly staff would be happy to schedule a visit to check on your heating situation. We will assess how to best keep you warm and comfortable all winter. Contact us today to learn more about furnace repairs and installations at 847-792-1019. Let our family make sure you keep warm no matter what the temperature is like outside!