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5 Ways to Protect Your HVAC During Remodeling

5 Ways to Protect Your HVAC During Remodeling

You would assume dust is something you have to put up with to enjoy the results of your remodeling efforts. As HVAC professionals, we can tell you that dust from a remodeling project is different. It can damage many parts of your heating and cooling system. It can also get into ducts and contribute to other issues if you're not careful. On the plus side, there are some steps you can take to protect your HVAC during remodeling.

1. Plan Ahead with an HVAC Professional

Once you know you'll have remodeling work done, contact Ardmore Fresh Air. This way you can get some expert tips about how to prepare before renovations begin. Find out how to reduce issues with your heating and cooling equipment.

2. Turn Off Your HVAC System (Whenever Possible)

Running an HVAC unit while remodeling raises the risk of debris entering the system. At the very least, turn off your system when things get dusty indoors and only use it when done working for the day.

3. Be Proactive About Dust Control

Make an effort to reduce dust as much as possible throughout the remodeling process. Dust control steps you can take to do this include:

  • Using plastic tarps to isolate the area you're worked on
  • Keeping the remodeling area at a negative pressure when dust is being produced
  • Opening windows whenever possible
  • Doing as much of the prep work outside as possible
  • Closing off registers and vents in the work area

4. Clean Up Often

Make sure your remodeling contractor takes steps to prevent spreading dust and debris. This includes wearing protective shoe coverings. Regular cleanup should be part of the construction process as well. Also, seal openings within your heating and cooling system. This keeps them from being convenient storage spots for swept up debris.

5. Clean and Change Your HVAC Filter

Even when you make effortsto reduce dust and debris during a remodeling project, it may not be enough. Extra dust can come in and affect your HVAC filters. For this reason, it's best to change or clean your filters often as your renovation work continues. A filter that's clogged with extra particles or debris will make your HVAC system work harder than it has to.

Call Us Today

Your HVAC system can be further protected during the remodeling process. Reach out to an HVAC professional as your project advances. This is helpful if your renovations involve many stages or months of work. The Ardmore Fresh Air team is available to perform a thorough inspection. We also offer professional cleaning once you finish your improvements. Contact us today for more information.