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Your Fall HVAC System Repair Checklist | Ardmore Fresh Air

A well-functioning HVAC system helps to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home year-round, which prevents you from experiencing health issues from extreme weather conditions. When the system runs at peak efficiency, you might not even notice it humming in the background. But, routine maintenance and prompt repairs are essential for ensuring the system can do its job. Knowing the signs of problems with your property’s unit helps you be proactive about repairs before the cold winter temperatures arrive.

Recognize the Signs Your HVAC System Might Need Repairs

Routine seasonal maintenance services can help prevent HVAC system breakdowns. However, you should still be aware of these signs of a problem so you can call for repairs immediately.

  • Uneven heating and cooling throughout the house
  • Increased energy bills without an obvious change
  • Strange noises or smells coming from the system
  • Frequent on/off cycling or issues maintaining a consistent temperature

Understand the Dangers of Ignoring HVAC Repairs

Unaddressed HVAC system issues can lead to severe problems such as house fires. Or the system might not be capable of maintaining a safe indoor temperature. During the winter, a failing system could leave you and your family stuck in frigid temperatures that place your health at risk. At the very least, you could cause further damage to the system requiring replacement. Dealing with a malfunctioning HVAC system is also uncomfortable if it can’t maintain a consistent temperature throughout your home.

Take These Steps to Restore the HVAC System’s Functioning

Sometimes, a poorly functioning HVAC system needs a little maintenance. Start by checking to see if the air filter is dirty or clogged. For optimal functioning, you’ll want to change the air filter every month or as often as our professional technicians recommend based on the system's type and manufacturer.

You’ll also want to call for a professional inspection to determine if anything else needs servicing. Most HVAC systems require an inspection at least once a year. However, performing seasonal checkups can identify issues before the start of extreme summer and winter weather. Since the system will work overtime to keep your home warm, knowing it works well now is best. If a technician finds an issue, there’s still plenty of time to fix it before the weather turns cold.


Fall weather may cause your system to run less often than it has in months. While you may be enjoying moderate weather now, it's important to start planning for the upcoming winter season. After working hard all summer, it’s time to give your home’s HVAC unit a checkup. Contact Ardmore Fresh Air to schedule a routine wintertime inspection and maintenance appointment. Our technician can help you ensure your home’s heating system is ready to keep your family cozy as you enjoy your seasonal celebrations.