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Benefits Of Regular HVAC Maintenance
What if we told you that you could invest in a relatively small amount of money to save more money, have quality indoor air in your home, kick health hazards out, and improve your home’s comfort? You also get to boost your general peace of mind. You are probably wondering what this could be.
HVAC Spring Cleaning Checklist
As winter turns into spring, it's time to prepare your HVAC for the warm weather! While you're ready to turn on your air conditioner, do some spring cleaning first. You want to make sure your home's air is as fresh as possible! As you prepare your home for Spring, don't forget these HVAC maintenance tips. Changing Your Air Filter You need to replace your air filter every few months, and spring is the perfect time to swap your filter for a new one. You may even want to consider upgrading your filter to one with a higher MERV rating. MERV ratings determine what particles and contaminants your air filter can block. Our technicians can help you find the right type of air filter for you. We can also show you how to select one that will help improve your indoor air quality. Dusting and Deep Cleaning With air conditioner maintenance, you don't think about what happens outside the vents. The truth is that the air inside your home is as important as the air your unit draws from outside. Dust, pet dander, and dead skin cells are all common indoor allergens. These can make their way into your vents and stop your home from smelling fresh. Be sure to lift furniture while mopping. Dust all your home's baseboards, window sills, and door frames. If you have carpet, hire an HVAC professional cleaner to give them a deep steam clean. This can lift pollutants and particles that have gotten embedded in the fibers. Landscaping Your home's exterior has an impact on your indoor air quality. If grass, shrubs, or branches obstruct your central unit, you'll pay more for much less. To make your yard look great and your system run even better, keep your lawn mowed and hedges trimmed.
Why Do I Need Regular Maintenance?
Just like other systems throughout your home, your HVAC system requires regular maintenance to keep performing at its most optimal. This will assist in keeping your energy bills low and your system in working order. As a homeowner, there are some maintenance tasks that you should be doing and some tasks that you should be hiring a professional to do for you.
What Are the Differences Between MERV Ratings?
Any HVAC unit requires a filter to keep it safe from damaging particulates and keep it in order. The better the filter, the better air quality you will have, as well as a safer unit. The quality of an HVAC filter is determined by a MERV rating.
How Can I Lower My Electric Bill During the Winter?
It won’t be long before winter gets here. With it will come the cold weather and the need to run your furnace more often. While this is a great way to keep you home warm and comfortable, it can also have an impact on your heating bill.
How Does An HVAC System Work?
Anyone who owns a late-model home will have more than a basic heating system. They will, instead, have an advanced Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning system (HVAC).
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